Frequently asked questions.
What are the opening hours for members?
Wednesday to Saturday from 09:00 – 21:00 depending on type of membership you sign up to.
How much does it cost?
From £100 - £150 per calendar month depending on membership choice. In addition to the monthly charge your kiln charge is £5 per kilo which includes bisque and one glaze firing.
How long do I have to sign up for?
There is a minimum sign up of 3 months
Can I cancel my membership?
Yes with one month written email notice.
Can I take a break or a holiday?
You can suspend your membership once in twelve months for no longer than one month. After this time your place may be offered to others on the waiting list and you would need to clear your shelf and reapply.
Can I get a refund or share my membership with another potter?
All fees are non refundable and non transferable.
Can I bring my own clay?
Yes you can use any stoneware commercial clay.
Can I bring my own glazes?
Yes you can use them after they have been tested by a studio technician.
Can I bring my own pottery wheel?
We are able to create space for a very small number of additional wheels if you are a full time member and preference will be given to those willing to share their wheel with members.
Can I bring my own kiln?
No this is not possible. There is a kiln installed for the studio use. Training may be given for safe and efficient loading to those interested in learning this skill.
Can I use wild clay?
This must be tested and scale of items negotiated. This is a maybe!
Can I change my membership from one type to another?
Yes with one months notice you can change to another type as long as we have space in that category. You are welcome to join the waiting list for any category membership if transfer is not available at the time.
Will there be tuition?
Not on a daily basis, this is a space for potters with experience to hone their skills and develop their practice with more studio time than a standard class. However we will have a list of tutors available for 1to1 coaching or additional teaching classes and there will be the opportunity to join masterclasses.
Why can’t I come to the studio on Sunday?
The Mansion is closed for all users on a Sunday.
Why can’t I come to the studio on Monday and Tuesday?
The studio will be used on these days for masterclasses, private events and pop up events throughout the year.
What is the atmosphere like in the studio?
The studio will be clean and tidy at all times to protect the health and wellbeing of all users. Occasionally we will play music in the background but generally keep a quiet chatting space that allows you to concentrate on your craft. Respect to one another’s space and creative process is paramount and encouraged. The space is light and airy and filled with plants for a calm and inspiring environment.
Can I come and visit the studio before becoming a member?
Yes of course, come and visit. Contact Georgi directly to arrange a time or just pop in on the off chance that she is there